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st: Marginal effects

From   Jos� C. <[email protected]>
To   "statalist" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Marginal effects
Date   Fri, 21 Mar 2008 23:14:46 -0300

I am estimating a regression that has no-lineal (or product of variables) variables in their dependent terms - for example:
regress y x xz
  The program Stata doesn't allow logical operators in the command regress (or other equation terms as probit) and for that it is previously necessary to define the variable (for example: gen w = xz). However, if the interest is to calculate marginal effects or elasticities (using mfx or margeff or dprobit) - that procedure invalidates the results because the terms no lineal they are not considered (for example: dy/dx = 1 + z and no 1).
   Which the simplest way to solve that problem?
Thank you,

Jose C. 

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