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st: label after recode

From   Christopher Intemann <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: label after recode
Date   Thu, 20 Mar 2008 10:17:56 +0100

in order to fit the distribution of wildtypes/genotypes in my population, I want to change the order of the values coded in
I'm using the recode command:

. tab z1_gene_x

group(z1_ge |
ne) | Freq. Percent Cum.
G | 8 0.17 0.17
T | 4,684 99.83 100.00
Total | 4,692 100.00

. do "/var/folders/Ap/ApCQ38MhEhOChovPWnfmSU+++TI/-Tmp-//SD02588.000000"

. recode z1_gene_x 1=2 2=1
(z1_gene_x: 4692 changes made)

end of do-file

. tab z1_gene_x

group(z1_ge |
ne) | Freq. Percent Cum.
G | 4,684 99.83 99.83
T | 8 0.17 100.00
Total | 4,692 100.00

It seems like recode actually does what it is supposed to.
However, it does not change the label, what is somehow confusing.
According to the manual, recode supports the label option, but not for just keeping the label...
Thanks for any hint,

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