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st: RE: Cluster dendrogram

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Cluster dendrogram
Date   Tue, 18 Mar 2008 12:19:04 -0000

My guess is that you would need to clone the program that gives rise to
this message, 
and the programs that call it, as you appear to be hitting an inbuilt
That is, set up your own programs parallel to -cluster-. In principle,
that route is open, 
because the code concerned is .ado code. 

Note that I am _not_ advising tinkering with Stata's inbuilt settings,
even when it is possible. 

Assuming that it is possible, the dendrograms are still likely to be
fairly unreadable, unless 
of course you can print them out on sufficiently large paper. 

That's a plausible reason why the limit exists. There may be others. 

[email protected] 

Davis Mike

I have a question about Cluster dendrogram.

Now, I am using the cluster analisis as follows.

cluster ward var1 var2 var...., measure(matching) name(cluster)

After that, I try "cluster dendrogram cluster" as the postclustering.

However, error message "too many leaves; consider using the cutvalue()
or cutnumber() options" appears.

When there are many observations, the dendrogram would become too
However, I would not like to limit the dendrogram.

Would you please teach me how to remove the limit of the dendrogram?

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