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Re: st: question about the Brant test

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected], [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: question about the Brant test
Date   Mon, 17 Mar 2008 21:22:30 -0500

At 04:53 PM 3/17/2008, Christopher Parker wrote:
A little help with the brant test. I'm trying to determine whether or not
the proportional odds ratio is violated for an ordinal-level dependent
variable. However, after I estimate the ordered logit model, and type the
command for the brant test, I get an error message: y>:  operator invalid.

Can someone advise me on this?

Hi Chris. First off, it is generally a bad idea to reply to another message and change the topic. If you check the archives, you'll see that your post (and now this one) are buried in the thread for the earlier topic. And, if you do reply, it is an even worse idea to keep all the old unrelated text in your message.

As for your current problem, it would help to see some output. One possibility is that there is a mismatch between your version of -spost- and your version of Stata. If you are using Stata 9 or 10 you want -spost9-, available from Scott Long's site (use -findit- to get it). The ereturned results from ologit and oprobit changed a version or two ago, and that can cause problems if you don't have the right post-estimation software. Also, make sure you have the latest versions of Stata and spost.

Of course, it could be something else entirely, but if so we'd need to see the output. I myself have never had the problem you describe.

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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