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RE: st: cumulative probabilities under competing risks with covariateadjustment

From   Uri Goldbourt <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   RE: st: cumulative probabilities under competing risks with covariateadjustment
Date   Sun, 16 Mar 2008 13:53:04 +0200


Thanks for illuminating the topic further. I hope competing risks software will be compiled so that the wish list will move into an "achieved" list.


I tried to run –stpepemori-, but encountered a difficulty in regard of the instruction not to use identical value for varname and compet. I could be missing something?


Obtaining the preliminary new version of –strs- will be gratefully appreciated!





-----Original Message-----
From: owner-[email protected] [mailto:owner-[email protected]] On Behalf Of Enzo Coviello
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 6:55 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: cumulative probabilities under competing risks with covariate adjustment


Dear Uri Goldgerg,


thanks for using -stcompet-


>Do you know of any plan to advance this matter?

>This has enormous importance in analysis of the

>old cohort studies where long-term follow up of

>mortality and/or the incidence of dementia have

>been instituted and relating them to mid-life levels of risk factors is sought.



At the last Italian Stata Meeting prof. Bill

Gould said that the competing risks matter is in

the "wish" (or "doing") list of the Stata Corporation.

Since this is a public mail I believe that prof

Gutierrez or Gould could directly give a more precise reply.


The -rsource- command, written by R. Newson,

allows to run R from within Stata. So, in the

meanwhile you could use the -cmprsk- R-package

from within Stata and import the results.


As further Stata opportunities in competing

risks, even if not directly addressing our

problem, there is -stpepemori- available on the

SSC archive, testing the equality of two

cumulative incidence functions, and new codes of

-strs- (a command estimating relative survival)

that allows to compute cumulative incidence

without knowing the cause of death, making use of

the expected probabilities of death. This new

version of -strs- is not yet available on the web

but I can send on request the preliminary version.


Best wishes.




Enzo Coviello

Unit� di Epidemiologia e Statistica ASL BARI

Piazza V.� Emanuele 14

70054 Giovinazzo (Bari)


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