Two further thoughts:
Doing individual graphs and then combining works pretty nicely:
sysuse nlsw88, clear
foreach v in hours wage tenure {
graph hbar `v', over(collgrad) saving(`v')
graph combine "hours" "wage" "tenure", col(1) imargin(zero)
You could insist on -xcommon- if you really wanted.
It's not your question, but in almost all circumstances just plotting
the means throws a lot of information away!
[email protected]
David Radwin
Thank you for the explanation. I was afraid that might be the case.
At 11:53 PM +0000 3/13/08, Nick Cox wrote:
>I've devoted some time to trying to automate the kind of
>manipulations needed here without being clear whether the emphasis
>on changing the data structure or doing the graphics. (Short answer:
>need some of both.)
>Absent a simple solution that I know of:
>I'd -collapse- the data -- just as -graph bar- does, temporarily --
>and then fool around in the editor to produce a dataset that was
>amenable to
>-textbarplot- fron SSC.
>That may not be practical for your real example, especially if you want
>to do this repeatedly or for a rather larger dataset.
David Radwin
>Thank you for the suggestion. This graph is adequate, but I would
>like greater control over the spacing between bars as is typically
>done using the bargap or gap options. The reason would be to
>emphasize the comparison between college grads and non-college grads.
>Is there a way to make the gaps between bars 2 and 3 and between bars
>4 and 5 larger than the gaps between bars 1 and 2, bars 3 and 4, and
>bars 5 and 6?
At 7:09 PM -0400 3/13/08, Friedrich Huebler wrote:
>>Here is one solution.
>>. sysuse nlsw88, clear
>>. foreach var of varlist hours wage tenure {
>> sum `var' if collgrad == 0
>> gen ncg`var' = r(mean)
>> sum `var' if collgrad == 1
>> gen cg`var' = r(mean)
>> }
>>. keep in 1
>>. graph hbar ncghours - cgtenure, ascategory
On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 6:34 PM, David Radwin <[email protected]>
>>> I have a question analogous to one I asked last year that was
>>> graciously answered by Nick Cox
>>> (
>>> Rather than pose the question outright, I will illustrate with a
>>> example comparing college graduates with non-college graduates:
>>> . sysuse nlsw88, clear
>>> . graph hbar (mean) hours wage tenure, over(collgrad) showyvars
>>> give you a graph with the bars in the order, from top to bottom,
>>> 1. mean hours for non-college grads
>>> 2. mean wage for non-college grads
>>> 3. mean tenure for non-college grads
>>> 4. mean hours for college grads
>>> 5. mean wage for college grads
>>> 6. mean tenure for college grads
>>> But what I actually want is
>>> 1. mean hours for non-college grads
>>> 2. mean hours for college grads
>>> 3. mean wage for non-college grads
>>> 4. mean wage for college grads
>>> 5. mean tenure for non-college grads
>>> 6. mean tenure for college grads
>>> Is there a option, user-written program, or set of commands that
>>> would produce this graph?
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