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st: ttest or xtmelogit?

From   David Airey <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: ttest or xtmelogit?
Date   Mon, 10 Mar 2008 15:33:25 -0500


I have a typical pilot data set. Small. I have 12 mice, 6 from one group, 6 from another. For each mouse I have about 50 yes/no scores. 50 was enough to get precision on a given mouse. I'm interested in the group difference. In the past I used xtgee with mouse as the i(mouse) option, i.e., mouse as the cluster, with family(binomial) and link(logit). But previously, I did this with double the number of mice, so I felt I had enough clusters. Here, I am feeling uncomfortable about the number of clusters (12). The same goes for xtmelogit, new in Stata 10. Given the number of mice, is it better to simply transform the summary statistics for animals (mean of the yes/ no vector by animal), like with an arcsine or logit, and use a ttest?

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