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st: RE: Re: Longplot

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Re: Longplot
Date   Fri, 7 Mar 2008 19:33:02 -0000

The FAQ advises you to identify user-written programs and say where they
are from 
(a request honoured only rarely). 

-longplot- is a program from SSC written by Zhiqiang Wang and myself. It
is written
for Stata 6. It was first written in 1998, and last revised in 2001. 

-longplot- still works in Stata 10 for Paul, except that he cannot get
the Graph Editor 
to process the resulting graphs. 

The reason is that -longplot- is written for the old-style Stata
which was superseded by the new graphics first introduced in Stata 8.
There is no 
way that the Graph Editor can work with the .gph files produced by
They are totally incompatible. 

Zhiqiang can speak for himself, but it is evident from the above that I
have not touched
the code since 2001. Further, I have no intention of revising -longplot-
to work 
with Stata 8+. 

None of that should be important as whatever you can do in -longplot-
should be possible with 
other commands. 

First off, official Stata has -xtline- and -tsline-. 

Second, as far as I am concerned, -longplot- gave way to -linkplot- from
You might need to apply -separate- beforehand to get groups, but it
should be

[email protected] 

Paul Fenner

I have been using longplot because I like the way I can identify by
groups with it. However when If I copy and paste the plot into a Word
document I only get a black and white rather than coloured plot and when
I try to use the Graph Editor to change the black background I get the
error message "This is not a "liv" graph and cannot be edited". Could
somebody suggest how I can get a plot with coloured lines and a white

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