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st: RE: Gamma functions in R and Stata's Gamma Functions

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Gamma functions in R and Stata's Gamma Functions
Date   Fri, 7 Mar 2008 18:55:36 -0000

Tiago gave only part of the specification for R's =pgamma()= 
(as nonce notation =function()= refers to R functions, 
to correspond to -function()- for Stata functions.) 

=pgamma()= allows you to specify rate or scale. They are reciprocals. 
So scale = 1/rate, rate = 1/scale. 

The nearest equivalent is Stata's -gammap()-. 

Stata uses the notation gammap(a, x). 

Here a is the shape parameter, x is the value. 

So where is the scale (or rate) parameter? Essentially you provide it
like this: 

gammap(a, x / scale) 

or like this: 

gammap(a, rate * x) 

For an example within a Stata program, look inside -pgamma.ado- from

[email protected] 

[email protected]

I am trying to implement a test that requires the incomplete gamma

The R code is given by

example<- pgamma(Z, shape=X,rate=Y)

where Z is the critical value for a chi^2 distribution. I am not very
experienced with this distribution, and failed to find out the
corresponding counterpart in Stata. Hence, would it be possivle to you
provide me some tips to implement it in Stata?

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