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st: estout problems with Stata10

From   "C.D. Petrovici" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: estout problems with Stata10
Date   Mon, 3 Mar 2008 17:30:26 +0100

Dear Statalist, 

I just installed Stata 10 and I tried to run one of my do files that I used
before successfully with Stata 9 and for the estout of the mlogit model I
got several errors, I installed all the estout files, I read the information
from the website
but it did not help me much. 

My syntax for estout is: 
estout  exit using  modelel.txt, cells(b(star fmt(%9.3f))) starlevel(* 0.10
** 0.05 *** 0.01) /// 
stats(r2_p N, fmt(%9.3f %9.0g) labels(pR^2))legend label varlabels(_cons
Constant) varwidth(25) collabels(beta) ///
 modelwidth(13) eqlabelseqlabels ("ER" "D" "U" "I") style(tab) unstack

The error I got now is: 
"equation disability not found

Disability is one of my alternative exits from the labour market. It is a
bit odd, since the mlogit model is estimated correctly, with all the exits,
including disability, only the estout does not recognise it. When I was
using Stata 9  the same do file it was working with the same database,
therefore my second question is if I can convert my files from Stata 10
(when I installed it all my files were automatically converted to Stata 10)
back to Stata 9 (which is still installed on my pc). I also had this
problems when I received files saved in Stata 10 and I was still using Stata

Thank you in advance for your help!


Carmen Petrovici, 

PhD student, 
Tilburg University,
Methodology and Statistics Department

PO Box 90153
5000 LE Tilburg
The Netherlands
Room P-1.121 

phone: +31.13.466.8046
fax:   +31.13.466.3002 
e-mail: [email protected] 

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