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st: infix and dictionary files

From   "Norbert Michel" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: infix and dictionary files
Date   Thu, 28 Feb 2008 21:39:13 -0600

I am having trouble pulling in data from an ASCII file (the consumer expenditure survey data).

I have start positions and character lengths, and I seem to be missing something simple...but I can't figure out exactly what I'm missing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I am using the following command:
infix using C:\Users\Norbert\Documents\CEX\2004\tryover, using(C:\Users\Norbert\Documents\CEX\2004\Intrvw04\fmlyi041x.txt)

The "tryover" file is supposed to be my dictionary file, and the "fmlyi041x.txt" is my raw data file.

My dictionary file looks like this:
dictionary using C:\Users\Norbert\Documents\CEX\2004\Intrvw04\fmlyi041x.txt {
NEWID	1	-	8
AGE_REF	11	-	12
AGE_REF_	13	-	13
COLPLANX	618	-	625
COLP_ANX	619	-	619

Of course, I don't have "." throughout my file, I'm omitting many variable names in the email.

The error message I'm getting from stata is as follows:
dictionary using C:\Users\Norbert\Documents\CEX\2004\Intrvw04\fmlyi041x.txt {
file does not contain dictionary

Unfortunately, the description of this error does not seem to apply to what I have done....the first word in my dictionary file is "dictionary," and I'm technically not using "infile" (not really sure if that matters).  

Anyway, if anyone has any suggestions at all, please let me know.

Norbert Michel

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