The Stata command
. search count data
points to many possibilities. You need to read a good textbook first. That by Long
and Freese pointed to by the above command is certainly a good textbook.
Markus Köller
I have some basic questions about Count Data Models.
I am trying to estimate the total number of children a woman gives birth to dependend on some explanatory variables, like f.e. education_high, education_low and age.
F.E. Amount of Children= f(educ_high, educ_low, age)
I want to use a Count Data Model, since Poisson distribution seems to be the proper assumption for it.
Problem: I donŽt have any idea how to implement it into stata. Does stata have such functions? And what are the commands for them?
Another problem: Someone told me that "dispersion" or "under-dispersion" might be a problem with a Count Data Model. I did some research but couldnŽt find anyhting about that. Does anyone of you know whether this is true? And if so, can you give me a hint or literature suggestion, what "under-dispersion" is and how I could face it in my problem?
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