Dear Statalist,
I am trying to match a data set of variable idenfifiers (data1) and a data
set that consists of these variables (data2).
var id v1 v2 v3
1 jk12 kk14 lk16
2 jk24 kk67 lk90
3 jk16
obs id jk12 jk24 jk16
1 12000 56 1
2 12000 71 0
3 ...
now I need to have a procedure that links variable names from data2 with a
subset "var id" from data1. My idea was to save variable names in a local
macro, then generate string variables from it and merge it to data1 -
however, I am not used to strings and I do not know if that is possible.
I tried the following
use data2.dta, clear;
qui ds;
local x "`r(varlist)'";
qui d;
local y "`r(k)'";
di `y';
forvalues no = 1/`y' {;
gen str61 typ`no' = "";
local n = `n' + 1;
local Q: word `n' of `x';
replace typ`no' = string(`Q');
This ends with the content (not the names) of variables copied as string
in the new variables - but this is not what I need, I need names only.
I would like to proceed by using the index to reshape and then merge it to
the other data set. With export and manipulation by hand I might be able
to solve this problem, but I prefer to have it in Stata.
I appreciate any suggestion on that,
thank you
Johannes Geyer
Deutsches Institut f�r Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW Berlin)
German Institute for Economic Research
Department of Public Economics
DIW Berlin
Mohrenstra�e 58
10117 Berlin
Tel: +49-30-89789-258
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