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st: [iso-8859-15] Delete data that appears "twice" in a mixture of panel[iso-8859-15] - and crosssectional data

From   "[iso-8859-15] Markus K�ller" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: [iso-8859-15] Delete data that appears "twice" in a mixture of panel[iso-8859-15] - and crosssectional data
Date   Mon, 25 Feb 2008 13:05:51 +0100


I have a question which I bet is easy to answer for most of you. Unfortunately, not for me. :)

-> I am using a mixture of paneldata and cross-sectional data which is organized in the following form:

Id   Wave   Age    Gender ..... etc...    Id60

1     60                                                 .
2     60                                                 .
3     60                                                 .
4     65                                                 .
5     65                                                 1  
6     65                                                 .  

To continue my analysis, I will have to delete the households from wave "60", which also appear in the "later" wave.
In other words, I have to delete the data in a way, that the above  table looks like:

 Id   Wave   Age    Gender ..... etc...    Id60

2     60                                                 .
3     60                                                 .
4     65                                                 .
5     65                                                 1  
6     65                                                 .  

, because household "1" also appears in 65-wave.

I tried some things, but can�t get to a good solution. If anyone of you has a good idea, please post it.

GRATIS: Movie-FLAT. Jetzt freischalten!

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