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RE: st: Multiple mean comparisons with complex survey design - Richard
At 04:22 PM 2/19/2008, Sven Klingemann wrote:
Hm, just noticed that as well ... guess this has not solved the problem
quite yet ...
It isn't pretty, but I think code along these lines gives you what you want.
webuse nhanes2f, clear
tab race, gen(race)
local ngroups = r(r)
local ngm1 = `ngroups' - 1
local ncontrasts = `ngroups' * (`ngroups' - 1) / 2
svy: reg health race1 race2 race3, nocons
forval i = 1/`ngm1' {
forval j = 2 /`ngroups' {
test race`i' = race`j'
display r(p) * `ncontrasts'
If prettiness is important, you could probably build matrices with
the results and then display them.
Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
OFFICE: (574)631-6668, (574)631-6463
HOME: (574)289-5227
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