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RE: st: storing coefficients of reg3 command

From   "Armelini, Guillermo" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: storing coefficients of reg3 command
Date   Tue, 19 Feb 2008 17:16:52 +0100

Thank you Maarten,
Now anyone tell me what can be wrong with the complete script?
a) First I stored in the matrix "foo" the beta and standard coefficients of the following reg3 procedure, taking into consideration only the values where "AdverOrder is between 0 and 90:
quietly reg3 (LRev_1 LScreen_1 LFact LMBoardT  Sequels ) (LScreen_1 LRev_1 LFact LMBoardT LPro  ) if  AdverOrder>0 &  AdverOrder<=90

matrix foo = [LRev_1]_b[LFact], [LRev_1]_b[LFact]/[LRev_1]_se[LFact],[LScreen_1]_b[LFact], [LScreen_1]_b[LFact]/[LScreen_1]_se[LFact], [LRev_1]_b[LMBoardT], [LRev_1]_b[LMBoardT]/[LRev_1]_se[LMBoardT],[LScreen_1]_b[LMBoardT], [LScreen_1]_b[LMBoardT]/[LScreen_1]_se[LMBoardT]
b) Then I would like to do the same, running the procedure with a loop that beginst wih 4 and end in 94, run the reg3 procedure, get the beta coefficients and store them in the "foo" matrix. After that the loop should begin in observation 8 and end in observation 98, do the reg3 procedure and so on.
Unfortunately I got a system error saying "c ambiguous abreviation"
What can be wrong with this code?

local X 4 8 12
foreach c of local X {
local Ini= c
local Fin = c +90
reg3 (LRev_1 LScreen_1 LFact LMBoardT  Sequels ) (LScreen_1 LRev_1 LFact LMBoardT LPro  ) if  AdverOrder>Ini &  AdverOrder<=Fin
matrix foo = foo \ [LRev_1]_b[LFact], [LRev_1]_b[LFact]/[LRev_1]_se[LFact],[LScreen_1]_b[LFact], [LScreen_1]_b[LFact]/[LScreen_1]_se[LFact], [LRev_1]_b[LMBoardT], [LRev_1]_b[LMBoardT]/[LRev_1]_se[LMBoardT],[LScreen_1]_b[LMBoardT], [LScreen_1]_b[LMBoardT]/[LScreen_1]_se[LMBoardT]

matrix list foo


From: [email protected] on behalf of Maarten buis
Sent: Tue 2/19/2008 10:44
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: st: storing coefficients of reg3 command

--- "Armelini, Guillermo" <[email protected]> wrote:
> Now, and following your example, if you want to store the beta
> coefficients of the variable "Consump" in the second row of the
> matrix "foo". How can I do that? In other words, which is the
> mechanism that allows me to store data row by row in my results'
> matrix?

Notice that I am not using the coefficient of the *variable* consump,
but of the *variable* wagepriv in the *equation* consump. (this
corresponded most what you intended to do, as far as I understood your
question: the first variable in the first equation)

How you build a matrix is discussed in -help matrix define-. You can
stack a row underneath an existing matrix using \, as is shown in the
example below:

*---------------- begin example -----------------
webuse klein
reg3 (consump wagepriv wagegovt)    ///
     (wagepriv consump govt capital1) if year < 0
matrix foo = [consump]_b[wagepriv], ///
matrix list foo

reg3 (consump wagepriv wagegovt)    ///
     (wagepriv consump govt capital1) if year >= 0
matrix foo = foo \ ///
             [consump]_b[wagepriv], ///
matrix list foo
*----------------- end example ------------------
(For more on how to use examples I sent to the Statalist, see )

Hope this helps,

Maarten L. Buis
Department of Social Research Methodology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands

visiting address:
Buitenveldertselaan 3 (Metropolitan), room Z434

+31 20 5986715

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