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st: Re: 2SLS with probit in the first stage regression
I guess I don't understand your setup. You're using xtreg, which is
appropriate for panel data. If the original regression is
.xtreg y training meanworkplacetraining x2 x3 x4
and there is a possibility that training is endogenous, you
definitely are violating the key assumption of the random-effects
model, that the regressors are distributed independently of the
errors. You should be estimating this equation allowing for
endogeneity of the suspected variable, and need to perform a Hausman
test of the appropriateness of the key assumption. You can do the
Hausman test by estimating the model with -xtivreg- using RE and FE.
If you find that the RE assumption cannot be maintained, then use -
xtivreg2- with fixed effects and use the -endog()- option to test
whether the endogeneity is an issue.
Kit Baum, Boston College Economics and DIW Berlin
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:
On Feb 16, 2008, at 2:33 AM, statalist-digest wrote:
Thank you, Kit. I should have mentioned also that my
original equation which has one of the RHS regressors
as potentially endogenous is a random effects GLS
model. Also I should have pointed out I am using
cross-section data. Would your kind answer still
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