The original question was not recognizable as an FAQ:
since you asked about the "parameters that Stata receives when it is
launched" but apparently were interested in command line switches.
See also [GSW] B and C.
You can optimize memory usage by telling Windows to run a different
command when opening .dta files. Instead of -use- you might specify
e.g. -my_use- and program your own my_use.ado which sets memory a bit
larger than you need to open the data, e.g.
prog my_use
qui d using `1'
loc m=ceil(1.25*r(N)*(r(width)+8)/1e6)
qui set mem `m'm
use `1'
On Feb 13, 2008 6:12 PM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> I am just giving _advice_ -- to repeat a carefully chosen word -- that I
> Sergiy Radyakin
> Thank you for your answer Nick. It was very helpful.
> I am just a bit puzzled, since when command line parameters became
> proprietary secret of Stata Corp???
> On 2/13/08, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> > My guess is that whatever is not accessible via -creturn list- is in a
> > private place not accessible to users, or even user-programmers. I
> could
> > be very wrong, but that is my guess.
> > Sergiy Radyakin
> >
> > I wonder if I can read the parameters that Stata receives when it is
> > launched. I want to automatically set memory (in the to be
> > at least as big as necessary for the dataset that is being opened
> > (with a double-click in explorer/windows).
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