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Re: st: bootstrap in stata 9 and stata 10

From   Carl Nelson <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: bootstrap in stata 9 and stata 10
Date   Tue, 12 Feb 2008 14:21:34 -0600 (CST)

Thank you for the explanation, Jeff. It is consistent with the solution I found. Stata 9 allowed my lazy programming that let temporary variables hang around and get re-set. I used the noisily option in bootstrap and found the error my programming was causing in stata 10. Appropriate uses of drop and changing gen to replace fixed my elasticity function so that it would work in stata 10.
The quick response and clear explanation of the structure of stata is very valuable and greatly appreciated.
>In Stata 9, -bootstrap- failed to properly set -e(sample)- due to excessive
>use of -preserve- and -restore-.  We fixed this in Stata 10.
>The reason I bring this up is that prior to this bug fix, -bootstrap- would
>tolerate the generation of non-temporary variables within the prefixed
>command.  In Stata 10, prefixed commands that generate non-temporary variables
>will cause -bootstrap- to post missing values in the replication loop because
>the call that generates a non-temporary variable will cause the prefixed
>command to exit with an error.
>Carl should check his -elasticity- program to see if he is generating any
>non-temporary variables.
>If not, Carl can run -bootstrap- with the -noisily- option to see what error
>message his -elasticity- command is producing.  Using -reps(2)- will cut down
>on the output.
>Carl can write to technical support <[email protected]> with a log of the
>output to help track down what is causing the error.
>[email protected]
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