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RE: st: importing txt file changes format of variable

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: importing txt file changes format of variable
Date   Sun, 10 Feb 2008 16:59:49 -0000

-split- is for splitting variables that are already string. Whatever decision Stata made in deciding that the variable should be numeric will probably be repeated on the copy and paste. As indicated elsewhere, 
-tostring- offers a more direct solution. 

[email protected] 

Arun Rajamohan

I am not sure how huge your dataset is but if you can copy it and paste it into the data editor in stata and later splitting the variable (split var1) usually keeps all variables as string.


On Feb 8, 2008, at 2:46 PM, Ms. Marilyn Ibarra wrote:

I have the following data in a txt file:

us_id ������firm
000007 ������x
010234 ������y
321098 ������z
112411 ������w

When I import it into stata I get this:

us_id ������firm
7 �����������x
10234 �������y
321098 ������z
112411 ������w

Where the us_id changes in the first two observations (it changes for any observations that have a us_id with zeros at the beginning). �I need us_id to be a 6 digit id number for each firm (ncluding any zeros at the beginning). �This needs to be a string variable but is a numeric variable when imported into STATA. �

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