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st: Running the same do file but getting different results

From   "krishanu karmakar" <>
Subject   st: Running the same do file but getting different results
Date   Sun, 10 Feb 2008 01:17:45 +0530

Dear Statalist and Stata Using Friends,

I am facing a peculiar problem.

I am working on a pc with MS Home XP, 1GB Ram and Stata 9.2.

I am working with a survey data. I have extracted the data from the
fixed format data files using dictionary files and -infile- command. I
had to merge a few files to reach a consolidated data set.
Subsequently I have saved this consolidated dataset in the .dta
format. This is the data set I am working with. I am working with  a
series of do files so that I need not save the dataset every time I
make some data modification. I just run all the do files to reach at
the required stage of analysis.

i have just noticed the following problem. I start Stata by clicking
on the .dta file and run the series of do files and get some results.
Now in the same session of Stata if I use -clear- and then read the
data set again with -use- command and run the same set of do files I
get some difference in results. The difference in result is mostly
noticed for the -count- commands (with some complicated -if-
conditions). Since the do files are large, I am not printing them in
this mail. I would appreciate if some of you could throw some light on
the problem if at least from some generic point. I am saying "from
some generic point" because I can understand that with the above
information it will be difficult to give a specific solution to my

Any help is deeply appreciated.


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