Bulent <[email protected]>:
-xtgee- is an alternative; read the manual entries in [XT]. But better
IMHO is to use
xtreg, fe i(ivar) cluster(ivar)
if you have large M (number of FE/clusters) since it consistently
estimates SEs in the presence of arbitrary intrapanel correlation of
errors. (See references at http://repec.org/usug2007/crse.pdf)
On Feb 9, 2008 6:48 AM, Koksal, Bulent <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Stata Users,
> Can we use xtgls for large N small T panel data?
> If we have heteroskedasticity in a large N small T data, is the only
> option available to use
> xtreg, fe vce(robust) ?
> Thanks for any help.
> --
> B�lent K�ksal
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