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Re: st: Data Manipulation Question

From   "Scott Merryman" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Data Manipulation Question
Date   Fri, 8 Feb 2008 20:41:59 -0600

Here is one way:

tempfile foo
input str14 country            code    year   seiz
"Britain"            200     1980   100
"Britain"            200     1981   150
"US"                2       1980   200
"US"                 2       1981   250
"Brit Virg Isl."       .     1980    50
"Brit Virg Isl."       .     1981    75
"Cayman Isl."       .        1980    50
"Cayman Isl."       .        1981    75
"US Virg Isl."      .       1980    50
"US Virg Isl."      .       1981    75

gen id = 1 if  country == "Britain" | country == "Brit Virg Isl." ///
 | country == "Cayman Isl."
replace id = 2 if country == "US" | country == "US Virg Isl."
sort code year
save `foo'
collapse (sum) seizplus = seiz (mean) code, by(id year)

sort code year
merge code year using `foo'
sort country code year
move seizp seiz
drop _m


On Feb 8, 2008 5:38 PM, Lektzian, David <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Statlist:
> I'm stuck and was hoping somebody could help.  I have data on country,
> country code (ccode), year (1980-2007), and drug seizures.
> I want to make a new variable drug seizure plus that adds seizures from
> overseas territories to a country's total.  For example, I have:
> Country            code    year   seiz   seizplus
> Britain            200     1980   100      200
> Britain            200     1981   150      300
> .
> .
> .
> US                 2       1980   200      250
> US                 2       1981   250      325
> .
> .
> .
> Brit Virg Isl.       .     1980    50
> Brit Virg Isl.       .     1981    75
> .
> .
> .
> Cayman Isl.       .        1980    50
> Cayman Isl.       .        1981    75
> .
> .
> .
> US Virg Isl.       .       1980    50
> US Virg Isl.       .       1981    75
> The country codes are missing for those "countries" that are not really
> countries.  What I want to do is to identify which territories belong to
> which countries and then write a line of code that adds seiz for Britain
> in 1980 to seizures for Brit Virg Isl + Cayman Isl. +....etc for all
> their territories.  Then I would repeat for the US, France, Netherlands,
> etc.  I'm guessing there is an easy way to do this, but I don't know how
> to add two values in the same variable at different years, matching them
> based on a string name and then putting the sum in an additional
> variable.  I have to do this for 8 different types of drug seizures so I
> didn't want to just do it by hand.  After I capture this additional
> seizure data, I will then drop the territories from the analysis as they
> do not match with other variables in the analysis I need to do.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Dave
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