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st: matrix problems
Hi statalisters,
I am trying to program the Chernozhukov-Hansen Wald statistics for
robust inference with weak instruments with overidentification. I get
estimates, compute variance covariance matrices and the various
adjustments, and then compute the Wald statistic. The end results are
Wald statistic values I don't believe (values in the hundreds of
thousands). I am running Stata 8, Intercooled.
Z is the matrix of excluded instruments
netY is the value of the variable to be explained minus the value of the
endogenous explanatory variable multiplied by the value of its
hypothesized coefficient
V is the residual from the first stage regression
epsilon is the residual from the second stage regression
Here is the code I use to construct the Wald statistic (equation 13 from
Chernozhukov-Hansen 2005):
matrix sev = (1/(rowsof(Z)))*Z'*netY*V'*Z
matrix see = (1/rowsof(Z))*Z'*epsilon*epsilon'*Z
matrix seeinv = inv(see)
matrix delta = seeinv*Z'*stddevgrgsp - seeinv*sev*seeinv*Z'*netY
matrix Ztild = Z*delta
matrix Wklm = netY'*Ztild*syminv(delta'*see*delta)*Ztild'*netY
The value of Wklm turns out very implausible, so I examined the see, and
seeinv matrices. Below is what I got.
. matrix list see
symmetric see[3,3]
c1 c2 c3
r1 195.5102
r2 27.943648 3.9938963
r3 -67.939952 -9.71044 23.609187
. matrix list seeinv
symmetric seeinv[3,3]
c1 c2 c3
r1 .00511482
r2 0 0
r3 0 0 0
Obviously, the product of see and seeinv does not produce an identity
matrix. Using syminv to create the inverse matrix did not resolve matters.
I will appreciate any guidance.
Dennis Coates
Dennis Coates
Professor of Economics
1000 Hilltop Circle
Baltimore, MD 21250
phone: 410-455-3243
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