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Re: st: Special character
Ok, thank you for your help, I achieve to succed to inesrt the sign
"greater than or equal", but it was not easy....
This sign IS NOT a traditional windows ASCII character, also -asciiplot-
from SSC dosn't work unfortunately.
I used this method, using Fontcreator:
1. Download a truetype font editor from the internet
2. Copy your favourite font and load it into the editor
3. Pick a character you never use - say q
4. Replace this character with the >= sign, which you can get from the
extended ascii character set
5. Save the modified font
6. Tell Stata to use your new font for graphs (in Prefs/Graph Preferences)
7. Type, for example, -xtitle("a q b")- in your graph and "a >= b" will
...and it works....
Thanks to all for your help : )
Sergiy Radyakin a e'crit :
Technically the character "" is not a part of ASCII, but the codes
you are looking for are 242 and 243, and they have different meanings,
depending on the font being used. Codes after 127 are different
depending on the codepage, so your program might produce different
output on different computers.
242 and 243 are rendered as you wish with the Terminal font on Windows.
Also see the "Character Map" application, which was is with Windows
(since version 1.03???) for the codes.
Is there any way to change the font in the output window from the program?
Sergiy Radyakin
On 2/6/08, Maarten buis <[email protected]> wrote:
-- "Julien D." wrote:
I am using Kaplan Meier (sts graph) with risktable instruction like
risktable ( ,order( 1 "< 10" 2 ">= 10" ))
and I would like to display in the graphic table a "�" symbol
instead of
I tried the method `=char(XXX)' but I m not sur that this character
exist in ASCII...
I have no idea what the "�" symbol is, but you can get a list of all
ascii characters with -asciiplot- downloadable from -ssc- (in Stata
type -ssc describe asciiplot- and -ssc install asciiplot-)
Hope this helps,
Maarten L. Buis
Department of Social Research Methodology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
visiting address:
Buitenveldertselaan 3 (Metropolitan), room Z434
+31 20 5986715
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