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RE: st: date function

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: date function
Date   Wed, 6 Feb 2008 22:28:19 -0000

This can be telescoped, e.g. 

. di month(date("october", "M"))


. gen byte month = month(date(X, "M")) 

[email protected] 

Arun Rajamohan

Hope this helps...
�� � +-----+
�� � | mon |
�� � |-----|
��1. | jan |
��2. | feb |
��3. | mar |
��4. | apr |
��5. | may |
�� � |-----|
��6. | jun |
�� � +-----+

. gen dat=date(mon, "M")

. l

�� � +-----------+
�� � | mon � dat |
�� � |-----------|
��1. | jan � � 0 |
��2. | feb � �31 |
��3. | mar � �60 |
��4. | apr � �91 |
��5. | may � 121 |
�� � |-----------|
��6. | jun � 152 |
�� � +-----------+

. format dat %td

. l

�� � +-----------------+
�� � | mon � � � � dat |
�� � |-----------------|
��1. | jan � 01jan1960 |
��2. | feb � 01feb1960 |
��3. | mar � 01mar1960 |
��4. | apr � 01apr1960 |
��5. | may � 01may1960 |
�� � |-----------------|
��6. | jun � 01jun1960 |
�� � +-----------------+

. gen mon2=month(dat)

. l

�� � +------------------------+
�� � | mon � � � � dat � mon2 |
�� � |------------------------|
��1. | jan � 01jan1960 � � �1 |
��2. | feb � 01feb1960 � � �2 |
��3. | mar � 01mar1960 � � �3 |
��4. | apr � 01apr1960 � � �4 |
��5. | may � 01may1960 � � �5 |
�� � |------------------------|
��6. | jun � 01jun1960 � � �6 |
�� � +------------------------+

Feb 6, 2008, at 3:42 PM, Visintainer, Paul wrote:

Is there a date function that converts a string variable containing only the text of the month into a numeric version of the month?� e.g.:� X has string values October, April, December, etc.� I want to create a new variable that is numeric with numbers 10, 04, 12, etc.� �I thought -monthly( )- would do it, but I can't seem to get the right syntax.

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