On 1, I can see no reason for -matcell()- to work. -matcell()- is an
option of -tabulate-, but it is not an option of -mlogit-. You need some
other tool. I am not a good person to advise on what is optimal for
Excel. Others will be able to comment. You won't find that all the
results can be saved to a single matrix, as that would make little sense
to Stata.
On 2, the reverse question has to be acceptable to whom in what context
for what problem? Your question as it stands implies that you are
throwing away information by degrading your data. Offhand, that sounds a
very bad idea, but that may be failure of imagination or experience on
my part. Without knowing your problem useful further comment is
[email protected]
Peter Odigie
I am working with the multinomial logit command,
mlogit and I have these questions:
1. How do I save the results (coefficients, predicted
probabilities, marginal effects,...) from the command
to an excel file. I tried using "matcell" , that is
converting the results to a matrix, so that I could
export it to excel. But this does not work.
2. I discretized the continuous dependent variables in
order to have a categorical dependent variable. Is
this acceptable?
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/