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st: R: RE: R: RE: testing for overdispersione after Poisson Regression

From   "Carlo Lazzaro" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: R: RE: R: RE: testing for overdispersione after Poisson Regression
Date   Fri, 1 Feb 2008 21:41:41 +0100

Dear Carter,

thanks a lot for your helpful reference: I will take a look.

Kind Regards,

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Per conto di Carter Rees
Inviato: venerd� 1 febbraio 2008 20.28
A: [email protected]
Oggetto: st: RE: R: RE: testing for overdispersione after Poisson Regression


Check out the annotated negative binomial output on the UCLA stats portal:

The definition of alpha in the Parameter Estimates section may be what you
are after.


-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Carlo Lazzaro
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 2:02 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: R: RE: testing for overdispersione after Poisson Regression

Dear Nick,
Thanks a lot for your kindness and for your time.

For sake of completeness, I report below all the routine I have performed.
My purpose was to test for the propriety of Poisson regression in dealing
with the issue of which indvars should be considered relevant in explaining
the increased or reduced undergoing to hospital visit. 
After the result of post estimation, I am not clear whether I should better
switch to a negative binomial regression.

Thanks a lot again and Kind Regards,

poisson ___hospvisit ___drvisit ofnp opp opnp emr exchlth poorhlth numchron
adldiff noreast midwe
> st west age black male married school faminc employed privins medicaid

Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -15443.546  
Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -9957.3521  (backed up)
Iteration 2:   log likelihood = -7079.7823  
Iteration 3:   log likelihood = -3293.7693  
Iteration 4:   log likelihood = -2791.9417  
Iteration 5:   log likelihood = -2773.1699  
Iteration 6:   log likelihood =  -2772.855  
Iteration 7:   log likelihood = -2772.8545  
Iteration 8:   log likelihood = -2772.8545  

Poisson regression                                Number of obs   =
                                                  LR chi2(21)     =
                                                  Prob > chi2     =
Log likelihood = -2772.8545                       Pseudo R2       =

___hospvisit |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf.
  ___drvisit |    .031564   .0025853    12.21   0.000     .0264969
        ofnp |  -.0035584   .0036833    -0.97   0.334    -.0107775
         opp |    .009755   .0050281     1.94   0.052    -.0000998
        opnp |   .0085071   .0049302     1.73   0.084    -.0011558
         emr |   .3080027   .0136605    22.55   0.000     .2812287
     exchlth |    -.61551   .1764821    -3.49   0.000    -.9614086
    poorhlth |   .2268273   .0761728     2.98   0.003     .0775312
    numchron |   .1681921   .0190159     8.84   0.000     .1309217
     adldiff |   .1914079   .0698929     2.74   0.006     .0544204
     noreast |  -.0116473    .082506    -0.14   0.888    -.1733561
     midwest |   .1485223   .0726288     2.04   0.041     .0061724
        west |   .0275293   .0823022     0.33   0.738      -.13378
         age |   .1960624    .045575     4.30   0.000     .1067371
       black |   .0360653   .0935412     0.39   0.700    -.1472722
        male |   .1517583   .0644441     2.35   0.019     .0254502
     married |    .000077   .0673596     0.00   0.999    -.1319454
      school |   .0047826   .0083723     0.57   0.568    -.0116268
      faminc |   .0051941   .0100271     0.52   0.604    -.0144586
    employed |   -.076601     .10922    -0.70   0.483    -.2906683
     privins |   .1028314   .0828429     1.24   0.215    -.0595376
    medicaid |   .1541872   .1045082     1.48   0.140     -.050645
       _cons |  -3.734123   .3769326    -9.91   0.000    -4.472897

. estat gof

         Goodness-of-fit chi2  =  3599.159
         Prob > chi2(4384)     =    1.0000

. estat gof, pearson

         Goodness-of-fit chi2  =  5438.241
         Prob > chi2(4384)     =    0.0000
-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] Per conto di Nick Cox
Inviato: venerd� 1 febbraio 2008 19.41
A: [email protected]
Oggetto: st: RE: testing for overdispersione after Poisson Regression

Seems as if neither is! The key is surely what other output you have,
including any indications of major or minor problems. 

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Carlo Lazzaro

testing for overdispersion after a Poisson regression,

I have obtained two opposite results:

estat gof

         Goodness-of-fit chi2  =  3599.159
         Prob > chi2(4384)     =    1.0000

. estat gof, pearson

         Goodness-of-fit chi2  =  5438.241
         Prob > chi2(4384)     =    0.0000

Which one is trustworthy??

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