Maarten, thank you for the reply.
I ve extended your example a little bit.
-mynormal_lf1- is the one you set and
-mynormal_lf2- is the same one but reversing the order in which the arguments appear in the -lnf-,
-mynormal_lf3- is the same but reversing the arguments in -args- and
-mynormal_lf4- has everything reversed.
Every dyad of models gives the same results which shows that all the orders matter at the end of the day.
So, the order in -args- should follow the order in -lnf- which should follow the order in -ml model-. Would this be a foolproof procedure to follow?
This is a very simple LogL (and verifiable against an official command) so the problem is not apparent but sometimes things can be a bit more messy.
Any suggestions are wellcome.
Thank you
*-------------- begin example -----------------------
sysuse auto, clear
capture program drop mynormal_lf1
program mynormal_lf1
version 8.1
args lnf mu sigma
quietly replace `lnf' = ln(normden($ML_y1,`mu', `sigma'))
sysuse auto, clear
capture program drop mynormal_lf2
program mynormal_lf2
version 8.1
args lnf mu sigma
quietly replace `lnf' = ln(normden($ML_y1,`sigma', `mu'))
sysuse auto, clear
capture program drop mynormal_lf3
program mynormal_lf3
version 8.1
args lnf sigma mu
quietly replace `lnf' = ln(normden($ML_y1,`mu',`sigma'))
sysuse auto, clear
capture program drop mynormal_lf4
program mynormal_lf4
version 8.1
args lnf sigma mu
quietly replace `lnf' = ln(normden($ML_y1,`sigma',`mu'))
ml model lf mynormal_lf1 (mpg = weight displacement) ()
ml maximize, nolog
ml model lf mynormal_lf4 (mpg = weight displacement) ()
ml maximize, nolog
ml model lf mynormal_lf2 () (mpg = weight displacement)
ml maximize,nolog
ml model lf mynormal_lf3 () (mpg = weight displacement)
ml maximize,nolog
ml model lf mynormal_lf1 () (mpg = weight displacement)
ml maximize,nolog
ml model lf mynormal_lf4 () (mpg = weight displacement)
ml maximize,nolog
ml model lf mynormal_lf2 (mpg = weight displacement) ()
ml maximize, nolog
ml model lf mynormal_lf3 (mpg = weight displacement) ()
ml maximize, nolog
*-------------------- end example --------------------------------
From: [email protected] on behalf of Maarten buis
Sent: Fri 2/1/2008 10:25 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: Arguments in the -ml-
--- "Mentzakis, Emmanouil" <[email protected]> wrote:
> When estimating a LogL function with -ml-, e.g.
> program test
> version 9.1
> args lnf xb theta1
> qui replace `lnf' = ln(...) if $ML_y1 == 1
> qui replace `lnf' = ln(...) if $ML_y1 == 2
> .
> .
> .
> end
> ml model lf test (y= ) / theta1
> ml maximize
> How does Stata know that -xb- corresponds to the first equation and
> -theta1- to the second?
> Should the order that the arguments appear in -args- be the same as
> the order they appear in the LogL?
I had a quick look around and I did not find an explicit statement of
that. Though by its very nature the use of the -args- command suggests
that it is the order in which the equations appear in the -ml model-
command (see: -help args-). This is confirmed by the quick experiment
*-------------- begin example -----------------------
sysuse auto, clear
capture program drop mynormal_lf
program mynormal_lf
version 8.1
args lnf mu sigma
quietly replace `lnf' = ln(normden($ML_y1, `mu', `sigma'))
ml model lf mynormal_lf (mpg = weight displacement) ()
ml search
ml maximize
ml model lf mynormal_lf () (mpg = weight displacement)
ml search
ml maximize
*-------------------- end example --------------------------------
(For more on how to use examples I sent to the Statalist, see )
Hope this helps,
Maarten L. Buis
Department of Social Research Methodology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
visiting address:
Buitenveldertselaan 3 (Metropolitan), room Z434
+31 20 5986715
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