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st: Problem with ivhettest after ivreg2

From   "Ivan Etzo" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Problem with ivhettest after ivreg2
Date   Thu, 31 Jan 2008 20:49:03 +0100 (ora solare Europa occidentale)

Dear all,

in order to test the presence of heteroskedasticity in  my panel I estimated
the model with explicit dummies using -ivreg2- and then I runned -ivhettest
-. Now the problem is that I get different results depending on whether I
specify or not a potentially endogenous regressor. That is, if the model I
test is the following

ivreg2 depvar x1 x2 x3 r2-r20 (x4=l.x4 + other instrum) 

where r2-r20 are the explicit dummies (regions in my case), then after
running -ivhettest - I get  P-value = 0.9997 which means that there is no


If I test the following alternative model

ivreg2 depvar x1 x2 x3 r2-r20 x4

then after running -ivhettest - again I get  P-value = 0.0096 which rejects
the null. 

It sounds very weird for me that there is no heteroskedasticity (it is a
panel of regions...), moreover I also checked whether the suspected
regressor is endogenous including the option endog (x4), and the p-value
doesn't reject the null that x4 is exogenous.

Maybe I'm doing some mistake....Does anybody know why I get different
results? And which result is telling the truth? 

Thank you

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