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Re: st: file management in Stata

From   "Joseph Coveney" <[email protected]>
To   "Statalist" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: file management in Stata
Date   Fri, 1 Feb 2008 01:26:36 +0900

Gabi Huiber wrote:

Is there a way to save somewhere the file names found with Stata's dir

I have this problem where I need to fish out a list of weekly files
from a directory, and do things to them one by one. They are named
fileYYYYMMDD.txt but they don't necessarily come on the same day of
the week, and some weeks are skipped.

It would be good if I could produce a list of YYYYMMDD's and take it
from there, and I want Stata to just read the file names and remember
them -- whether as a macro or a list (I have no other name for a
vector with non-numeric elements).

Has anybody done this in Stata before?


Are you aware of Nick Cox's -fs-?  It would seem to do what you describe.

-findit fs- turns it up, along with a lot of other things, so scan down the
results, or type

-net describe fs, from( .

Joseph Coveney

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