Roberto Duran-Fernandez (
reports that Stata's license tracker thinks someone else is already
using Stata:
> after initialization the license tracker on our IBM (AIX) Farm, we have
> further problem when reinvoke the interface. Judge from the error msg, I
> assume there is another process occupied the license, but I cant find any
> relevant processes on the server.
> errer log:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Single-user Stata for IBM RISC perpetual license:
> This is a 1-user license and somebody else is already using Stata.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> I've search stata official website, but cant find any clue related.
> The administrator of the system says that as far as he know nobody has
> access to my licence or is using the program at the same time as me. I have
> tried several times to submit it and I get the same message. I can run stata
> from the master node, however if I enter to any other ode the same message
> appears
Such an error message typically arises when a user does not exit
Stata cleanly. For example, a user might be running the console
version of Stata for Unix in an xterm, and that user then closes
the xterm without first exiting Stata. The Stata process is killed
by the operating system in that case, and it never has a chance to
tell the license tracker that that user is no longer using Stata.
The license tracker is smart and eventually is able to determine that
that instance of Stata is no longer active, and the problem corrects
itself. To prevent this problem, users should make sure to exit
Stata cleanly and to not just log out of their session or kill Stata
in some other manner.
Our Technical Services department is contacting Roberto privately
for more information to help him resolve the problem.
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