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st: factor score predict last estimates not found

From   "Kelly Richardson" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: factor score predict last estimates not found
Date   Mon, 28 Jan 2008 12:48:38 -0600

Hi All,

I am trying to create a factor score using a series of items in a
survey.  I have created a .do file.  When I run the do file I get the
error message "last estimates not found"  when it gets to the predict

factor h1ee2 h1ee12 h1ee13 h1ee14, pcf factors(1)
rotate, varimax
predict belief_achv_goals

However, if I just put the 3 lines of code in the do-file editor
window and run it, it runs without the error message.  I need to be
able to run the whole code.  Can you think of why this would happen?
There is one place in the output that is missing.  The "difference"
column has a dot on the row labeled factor 4.  Does that tell us

The only code that preceeds the factor command is the .do-file setup
stuff.  I can't figure out what is going on here.

Thanks for giving this some thought.

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