Draw them up separately, combine them with the "graph combine" command... (Graphics -> Table of Graphs)
Martin Weiss
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-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Koksal, Bulent
Gesendet: Freitag, 25. Januar 2008 16:13
An: [email protected]
Betreff: st: multiple graphs on the same page
Hello All,
How can I draw two graphs on the same page (each graph on a separate
row)? I have compunded return series for two variables. But when I use
.twoway (line return1 date) (line return2 date)
I cannot compare the lines because they almost coincide. I want to
produce seperate graphs on the same page so that I can compare them.
Can I do this?
Bülent Köksal
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