This has been fixed for some time, as was promised. The update was in
Stata Journal 7(3) 2007.
Note that, as mentioned by Fred, the fault here was not with StataCorp.
It was the authors' [let's say: mine] in not including a -version-
statement. That was certainly accidental, not deliberate.
Fred Wolfe
I was burned using -concord- which has version control in subprograms,
but doesn't have it in the main programs. It perhaps needs a two word
Fred Wolfe
On 1/24/08, Richard Williams <> wrote:
> At 03:15 PM 1/24/2008, Newson, Roger B wrote:
> >I have a Stata 10 query on string functions. Why is the string
> >-index()- no longer available in Stata 10 (as it was in Stata 9 and
> >several previous versions)? I would be surprised if I couldn't find
> >substitutes for it on a case-by-case basis, but was there any special
> >reason for dropping it?
> If I recall correctly - in Stata 9, -index- got the new and improved
> name of -strpos-. Per StataCorp policy, -index- continued to work in
> Stata 9, but starting in Stata 10 it only works if you are using
> version control.
> I think the new and improved names had something to do with
> consistency with Mata. Personally though, I wish the old names
> continued to work. As a programmer, you get used to doing things
> certain ways, and it isn't always obvious what the new and improved
> name is. Heck, Roger is one of the more prolific programmers around,
> and if he gets bit by a change like that you can imagine that others
will too!
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