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st: how to get hold of the observations used in xtreg, fe

From   Jessica �lschl�ger <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: how to get hold of the observations used in xtreg, fe
Date   Thu, 24 Jan 2008 19:49:10 +0100

Dear Statalisters,

I�m running a fixed effects regression (xtreg, fe) using an unbalanced panel

(xtreg gwgdpvdpc  ln_openquota_oecd ln_govbaladj_oecd  ln_unemployment
ln_lgovinvquota  outputgap l.totalpop   rintratelt syr   termstrade  fdiin
t1100gdp t1200gdp t2000gdp t3000gdp t5000gdp  if year >=1990, fe)

Stata gives me the following output:

Fixed-effects (within) regression             Number of obs      =        53
Group variable: coid                          Number of groups   =        14

R-sq:  within  = 0.8710                       Obs per group: min =         1
       between = 0.0000                                      avg =       3.8
       overall = 0.0073                                      max =         8

                                              F(15,24)           =     10.80
corr(u_i, Xb)  = -0.9992                      Prob > F           =    0.0000

I would like to get hold of the 53 observations stata uses for the
But when I type 
list if e(sample)
Stata gives me back a lot more observations than just 53 (see below).

Is there another way to list only the observations used for the regression?

Any comments are highly appreciated.



  48. |        country | code | coid | eu_15 | year  | corprate  | persrate
| vatrate  | pitr  | cetr  |
      |      Australia |  AUS |    1 |     0 | 1997  |       36  |       47
|       .  |    .  |    .  |
      | ketg | nwlc |    hbs | fdiout |  fdiin | fdioutp |  fdiinp |
gdp~2005 |     toexp  |  toexpppp  |
      |    . |    . |    .08 |   6428 |   7633 |   71968 |  101089 |
577.422 | 1.399e+08  | 1.886e+08  |
      |    lbs | cpiti |   totrev | totalt~p | t1000gdp | t1100gdp  |
t1200gdp  | t2000gdp  | t3000gdp  |
      |  -11.9 |  8.86 |   168582 | 29.19563 |   16.516 | 12.25828  |
4.257718  |        0  | 1.952991  |
      | t4000gdp  | t5000gdp  | t5111gdp  | t5112gdp  | t5120gdp  | t6000gdp
|   dirtgdp  |  indirt~p  |
      | 2.685211  | 8.041432  |        0  | 2.439291  | 4.030674  |        0
|   21.1542  |  8.041432  |
      | indiro~p  | t1000t~x  | t1100t~x  | t1200t~x  | t2000t~x  | t3000t~x
|  t4000t~x  |  t5000t~x  |
      | 8.041432  |  56.5701  | 41.98669  | 25.77936  |        0  | 6.689326
|  9.197305  |  27.54327  |
      | t5111t~x  | t5112t~x  | t5120t~x  | t6000t~x  | dirtto~x  | indirt~x
|  indiro~x  |  dirindir  |
      |        0  | 8.354984  | 13.80574  |        0  | 72.45673  | 27.54327
|  27.54327  |    Direct  |
      |      ppp  | totrev~p  |    gdpvd  | ln_gdpvd  |   gwgdpvd  | gdpvdpc
|  ln_gdp~c  |  lag_ln..  |
      | 1.318499  | 222275.2  | 449560.6  | 13.01603  |    .03757  |   24251
|  10.09621  |  10.07095  |
      | gwgdpvdpc  | potout~t  | ln_pot~t  | lag_ln~t  | gwpoto~t  |
output~p  |      pop  |    ln_pop  |
      |  .0252638  | 667494.9  | 13.41129  | 13.37779  | .0334997  |
-.01299  |    18518  |  9.826499  |
      |  totalpop  | ln_tot~p  |    popgw  | lag_po~w  |  pop1564  |
ln_~1564  |  popgw1~4  |    pop65  |
      | 18537.862  | 9.827571  | .0123291  | .0131359  |    12342  |
9.420763  |  .0118999  |     2249  |
      | laborf~e  |   lfpr  |   ln_lfpr  |    lfprgw  |  workpop  |   oldpop
|  laborpop  |  unempr~e  |
      |   9235.4  | .74955  | -.2882822  | -.0026779  | .6664867  | .1214494
|  .4987256  |      .084  |
      | unempl~t | nawru | invquota | privin~a | lag_pr~a | ln_priv~a |
govinv~a | lag_go~a | ln_govi~q |
      |   .08314 |     . |  .231484 | .2087729 | .1980627 | -1.566508 |
.0227658 | .0246617 | -3.782497 |
      | termst~e  | ln_term~e  |     totgw  |     expq  | expquo~d  |
impq  | impquo~d  |    openq  |
      |    1.031  |  .0305292  |  .0009704  | .2033343  | .1838176  |
.2118065  | .1619955  | .4151407  |
      | lag_op~q |  ln_openq | openqu~d |      syr  |      hyr  |      tyr
|      xne  | ilrc  | isrc  |
      | .3954489 | -.8791376 | .3458131 |   3.1238  |    .8284  |  10.4138
|  1.52813  |    .  |    .  |
      | ilrv |  iln | isrv |  isn |     knp | xunrq | xunnq | intra~lt |
intra~st | cpiindex | ln_cpi~x |
      |    . |    . |    . |    . | 1.50688 | 116.7 | 115.7 |   .06893 |
.05396 |   84.652 | 4.438549 |
      | cpiinfl~n | rintrat~t  | govdeb~d  | govdebtq  |   govbalq  |
govpri~q  | govbal~d  | lag_gd~d  |
      |  .0024953 |  .0552314  |        .  |   .37398  |  .0032373  |
.0342872  |       .3  | 432983.9  |
      | ~2_gdpvd  | ~5_gdpvd  | lag_gd~c  | lag2_g..  | lag5_g..  | lag__l~d
|  lag2_l~d  |  lag5_l~d  |
      | 416171.8  | 366646.4  |    23646  |    23029  |    20958  | 12.97846
|  416171.8  |  366646.4  |
      | lag__l~c | lag2_l.. | lag5_l.. | lag_gwg~d  | lag2_gw~d  | lag5_gw~d
| lag_gwg~c  | lag2_gw~c  |
      | 10.07095 |    23029 |    20958 |  .0396023  |  .0389996  |  .0234623
|  .0264397  |  .0269346  |
      | lag5_gw~c | ln_gwgd~c | lag_ln_.. | lag2_ln.. | lag5_ln.. |  num |
numgr | gdp~1970 | gdp~2000  |
      |  .0113726 | -3.678383 |  -3.63289 | -3.614343 | -4.476552 |   48 |
48 |    15763 |    23029  |
      | cetr100  | wedg  | eu_nor~c  | eu_27  | eu_geo  | eu_ohn~t  |
fullco~e  | fullpe~e  | fullva~e  |
      |       .  |    .  |        0  |     0  |      0  |        0  |
36  |       47  |        .  |
      |    sfdi |   sfdip |  fd_gdpvd  | fd_dirt~p  | fd_indi~p  |    fd_bop
| fd_open~d  |    fd_hbs  |
      |    1205 |   29121 |  16576.72  | -.0489483  | -.1854544  |      3.64
|  .0222008  |       .17  |
      | fd_term~e | fd_gdp~c | fd_expq~d | fd_impq~d | fd_labo~e  |
fd_invq~a  | fd_priv~a  |   fd_syr  |
      |      .001 |      605 |    .01264 |  .0095608 |  114.8008  |
.0088518  |  .0107102  |    .0174  |
      |   fd_hyr  |   fd_tyr  | fd_fd~np  | fd_fd~tp  | fd_sfdip  | sd_gdp~c
|    sd_hyr  |  ln_dir~p  |
      |    .0352  |    .0534  |   -15708  |     5110  |   -20818  |      -12
|         0  |  3.051838  |
      | ln_ind~p |    ln_bop | ln_open~d |    ln_hbs  | ln_~1970  | ln_cpiti
| ln_govb~d  | ln_unem~t  |
      | 2.084607 |         . | -1.061857 | -2.525729  | 9.665421  | 2.181547
| -1.203973  | -2.487229  |
      | ln_lgov~a | ln_lout~p | ln_lto~p  | ln_rint~t  | ln_fdiin  |
ln_t11~p  | ln_t120~p  | ln_t20~p  |
      | -3.702502 |         . | 9.815242  | -2.896223  | 8.940236  |
2.506202  |  1.448733  |        .  |
      | ln_t300~p | ln_t40~p  | ln_t50~p  | ln_~1gdp  | ln_t~2gdp  |
ln~20gdp  | ln_t600~p  |   ln_syr  |
      |  .6693621 | .9877594  | 2.084607  |        .  |  .8917072  |
1.393934  |         .  |  1.13905  |
      | ln_outp~p |    cook1 | DFgd~1970 |   DFcpiti | DFopenq~d | DFgovba~d
| DFunemp~t  | DFgovin~a  |
      |         . | .0012999 | -.0495531 |  -.025518 |  .0333324 | -.0428556
| -.0233621  | -.0372965  |
      | DFoutpu~p | DFtotal~p | DFrintr~t |     DFsyr | DFterms~e |
DFfdiin | DFt1100~p  | DFt1200~p  |
      | -.0305887 |  .0115908 | -.0173284 |  .1016813 | -.0523838 |
.0189076 |  .0175251  |  .0273929  |
      | DFt2000~p | DFt3000~p | DFt4000~p | DFt5111~p | DFt5112~p |
DFt5120~p  | DFt6000~p  |    cook2  |
      |  .0058017 | -.1134794 |  .0828759 |  .0609549 | -.0414931 |
-.0606053  |   .040122  | .0013691  |
      |    cook3 |    cook4 | _est_f~d | _est_r~m | d_gwgdpv~c |    d_cpiti
| d_openqu~d  | d_unempl~t  |
      | .0032074 |  .001524 |        1 |        1 | -.00117588 |  .25999928
|  .02220079  |     .00126  |
      | d_loutp~p | d_ltot~p | d_rintra~t |      d_syr | d_termst~e |
d_fdiin | d_t1100gdp | d_t1200gdp |
      |    .00462 |  238.956 | -.01155981 |  .01740003 |  .00100005 |
1522 |  .11355686 | -.16878939 |
      | d_t1000gdp  | d_t2000gdp  | d_t3000gdp  | d_t5000gdp  | d_t5111gdp
| d_t5112gdp  | d_t5120gdp  |
      |   -.055233  |          0  | -.03350425  | -.18545437  |          0
|  .00349283  | -.06252098  |
      |     coid2     |     fdiin_t~p      |     g~100gdp      |
g~200gdp      |     gwgdpvd~r      |
      |         1     |      32499.16      |     193227.3      |
67114.41      |      .0816721      |

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