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st: RE: Question on how to analyze multiple imputation data usingsvylogit

From   "Carter Rees" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: RE: Question on how to analyze multiple imputation data usingsvylogit
Date   Thu, 24 Jan 2008 11:59:28 -0500


Did you use -ice- to impute the data?  If so, install the -mim- command and
read the help file.  Even if you didn't use -ice- I believe (but not
positive) you could create the _mj variable needed by -mim- to designate
which imputed data set to use during its iterations.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Malinda Kennedy
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 10:32 AM
Subject: st: Question on how to analyze multiple imputation data

Dear group,
I am a fairly new stata user, so I apologize for the simplicity of my
question. I am trying to analyze a complex survey using the svylogit
command. However, the dataset is a multiple imputation dataset.  The end
result I am looking for is an overall odds ratio that takes into account all
5 multiple imputation datasets and the survey design. (I also will need to
be able to use the subpop option as well.)

What I have done so far:

I imported the 5 datasets and then used "miset" to load the 5 datasets.
I think if I just use "svylogit" now that stata will only use the first
So I tried using "mifit: svylogit ....." but I got the following message:
"combining estimates is not possible: no variation between datasets" - 
I tried using "micombine svylogit....." and got a message saying it is an
invalid command
I tried using "mido svylogit...." and it looks like it runs for each
dataset, but does not give an overall estimate.

I have looked online and in the stata listserv archives and could not find
an answer to my question. I am hoping someone can help me with what I assume
is probably fairly easy if I can just find the code. 

Many thanks,


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