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st: RE: RE: Discrete-time models with repeated events

From   "Luis Ortiz" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: RE: RE: Discrete-time models with repeated events
Date   Thu, 24 Jan 2008 12:16:40 +0100

Many thanks for the reference, Mariagrazia. It seems very useful





[] En nombre de Squicciarini
Enviado el: jueves, 24 de enero de 2008 11:57
Asunto: st: RE: Discrete-time models with repeated events


The type of model you might want to use depends on how the various events
one same individual experiences occur. Depending on whether events occur
independently or are previous/other-event(s)-dependent the model you should
rely upon changes. 

I would suggest you to have a look at the article below, which I found very


Hope this helps, 



Duration Models for Repeated Events 

Authors: Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M.; Zorn, Christopher

Source: The Journal of Politics
ra> , Volume 64, Number 4, November 2002 , pp. 1069-1094(26)

Publisher: Blackwell Publishing



From: on behalf of Luis Ortiz
Sent: Thu 24/01/2008 12:30
To: ''
Subject: st: Discrete-time models with repeated events

Dear Statalisters,

I'm carrying out survival analysis of a process that conceivably occurs in
continuous time, but for which observed survival times are grouped into
intervals. Quite unfortunately, my data do not allow for more. According to
various sources, amongst them the valuable Stephen Jenkins' lessons,
discrete time models (i.e. logistic or cloglog) are called for. My first
question would be which one of these discrete models to choose. I'm afraid I
have not drawn a clear idea of the added value of the cloglog command,
relative to logistic.

My second question relates to the event I'm analyzing. The event may occur
several times for the same individual in the panel; in other words, a
repeated-events model seems to be called for. Is there any way of using
either the logistic or cloglog for a model with repeated events?

Many thanks for your help, and my apologies if the questions sound rather
na�ve for most of you


Luis Ortiz

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