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st: estimating an unbalanced panel

From   "Jessica [iso-8859-1] �lschl�ger" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: estimating an unbalanced panel
Date   Mon, 21 Jan 2008 15:09:22 +0100

Dear Statalisters,

I�ve got an unbalanced panel dataset covering 30 OECD-countries (i) over a
period of 15 years (t).

Running for example a fixed effects regression, I lose a lot of observations
to the missings in some of the variables (as I said, I�m dealing with an
unbalanced panel).
In some cases I only have about 50 observations left.

I've tried to figure out why this is the case, and I suspect that Stata uses
only those observations of one country where there are no missings in any of
variables X_i at time t.

Is there a way to some kind of "save on observations" i.e. tell stata to use
of the observations available irrespective of the fact that some of the
observations for a country i (panel) at time t are missing?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Dipl. oec. Jessica �lschl�ger

Forschungsstelle Europ�ische Integration
Universtit�t Hohenheim

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