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Re: st: how to insert rows in tables

From   "Joseph Coveney" <[email protected]>
To   "Statalist" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: how to insert rows in tables
Date   Sun, 20 Jan 2008 13:23:42 +0900

FUKUGAWA Nobuya wrote:

I have a dataset that has several blank cells represented as
period (.) and generated tables as follows.

year cat var1
1950 1 .
1950 1 .
1950 2 3
1960 1 7
1960 2 1
1960 2 5

bys year: table cat , c(mean var1)

Stata returns;

year = 1950
2 3

year = 1960
1 7
2 3

The results of cat==1 if year==1950 is unreported since
observations are blank.
Here, I would like all the tables to retain the same number of rows.

year = 1950
cat var1
1 .
2 3

year = 1960
cat var1
1 7
2 3

How can I do this using Stata 9?


There are undoubtedly better ways, some of which might take advantage of
user-written modules, but I'd try something like either of the approaches
illustrated in the do-file below.  The first uses -table-, but in a
different manner from what you show, and the second uses -collapse-
and -list-.

The first produces output like this:

         |    cat
    year |    1     2
    1950 |          3
    1960 |    7     3

and the second like this:

 | year   cat   mean_var1 |
 | 1950     1           . |
 | 1950     2           3 |
 | 1960     1           7 |
 | 1960     2           3 |

Joseph Coveney

set more off
input int year byte cat byte var1
1950 1 .
1950 1 .
1950 2 3
1960 1 7
1960 2 1
1960 2 5
// First
table year cat, contents(mean var1)
// Second
collapse (mean) mean_var1 = var1, by(year cat)
list, noobs sepby(year) abbreviate(`=length("mean_var1")')

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