Simon Bach wrote:
New to Stata so this may be very simple.
Running stcox: have generated a model to determine factors
associated with recurrence of bowel cancer following surgery.
I isolated 3 tumour variables that are independently
associated with recurrence (i.e. size, depth invasion,
presence lymphatic invasion).
Two different types of surgery were performed (A and B).
A is associated with much higher recurrence rates. This
further improves the model.
In stcurve I can fix values for these variables and estimate
the proportion of subjects who remain disease free at 60
months (eg 1cm diameter tumour, superficial invasion, no
lymphatic invasion, excised using method A).
I can then generate estimates for other flavours of tumour
(eg 2cm, 3cm and so on).
BUT - I am struggling to obtain the corresponding raw figures
for the proportion of patients who remain disease free at
60 months (using the different variable values)?
While I can read from the graph this is obviously clumsy/inaccurate.
Also stcurve does not appreciate stratified models, not a huge
deal but predictably enough my model does fit better when stratified.
Simon Bach
(surgeon not statistician - unfortunately)
(Well, I would prefer to be operated on by a surgeon rather
than a statistician)
I guess that -sts list- is what you need, like this:
sysuse cancer
stset studytime, failure(died==1)
sts list if age>55 & drug==1
Hope this helps
Svend Juul
Institut for Folkesundhed, Afdeling for Epidemiologi
(Institute of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology)
Vennelyst Boulevard 6
DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Phone, work: +45 8942 6090
Phone, mobile: +45 2634 7796
Fax: +45 8613 1580
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