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st: is it possible to modify -myrereg-?

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: is it possible to modify -myrereg-?
Date   17 Jan 2008 17:28:17 +0000

Dear all,

I am experiencing some problems while trying to modify the method d0 for panel data likelihoods. I have replaced the following lines:

tempvar xb z T S_z2 Sz_2 a last
tempname s_u s_e

with the following new ones:

tempvar z T S_z2 Sz_2 S_y a last a0 a1 a2 a3 phi1 tau1 pai1 pai2
tempname phi tau pai s_u s_e

I understand that I also need to modify the following lines:

mleval `xb' = `b', eq(1)
mleval `s_u' = `b', eq(2) scalar
mleval `s_e' = `b', eq(3) scalar
scalar `s_u' = exp(`s_u')
scalar `s_e' = exp(`s_e')

I did by replacing them with the following new ones:

mleval `a0' = `b', eq(1)
mleval `a1' = `b', eq(2)
mleval `a2' = `b', eq(3)
mleval `a3' = `b', eq(4)
mleval `phi' = `b', eq(5) scalar
mleval `tau' = `b', eq(6) scalar
mleval `pai' = `b', eq(7) scalar
mleval `s_u' = `b', eq(8) scalar
mleval `s_e' = `b', eq(9) scalar
scalar `s_u' = exp(`s_u')
scalar `s_e' = exp(`s_e')
scalar `phi' = `phi'
scalar `tau' = `tau'
scalar `pai' = `pai'

Is it the correct way to proceed? Is it possible to modify the -mleval- command? Does it make any sense at all?


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