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Nick Cox writes:
This ia good progress! How would you generalise your match-ups
AB CH DG EF to arbitrary even numbers of teams?

How about this?


* --------------------------------------

* set # teams before running
local teams 16

local obs = `teams' - 1
set obs `obs'
gen round = _n

gen T1=1
foreach t of numlist 2/`teams' {
  gen T`t' = `t'-1 + round

foreach t of numlist 2/`teams' {
  qui replace T`t' = T`t'-`obs' if T`t'>`teams'

local match = `teams'/2
egen field1 = concat(T1 T2), punct("_")
foreach m of numlist 2/`match' {
  local l = `m' + 1
  local k = `teams' + 2 - `m'
  egen field`m' = concat(T`l' T`k'), punct("_")

l field*, sep(2)

*confirm no repeats
drop T*
reshape long field, i(round) j(f)
qui tab field
return list
if r(N) == r(r) {
  di "OK, each matchup occurs exactly once"
else {
  di "ERROR, some matchups are duplicated"
* --------------------------------------

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