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Re: st: twoway area with no outline along the baseline

From   "Nick Winter (UVa)" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: twoway area with no outline along the baseline
Date   Fri, 11 Jan 2008 08:05:29 -0500


Yes indeed; that is roughly what I meant in my option (2) about adding fake observations. That may be the best way to go . . .


Scott Merryman wrote:


Do you mean something like this?

sysuse auto,clear
qui {
set obs `=`=r(N)' + 2'
sum weight
replace wei = r(min) in `=r(N) + 1'
replace mpg = 0 in `=r(N) + 1'
sort weight mpg
sum weight
replace we = r(max) in l
replace mpg = 0 in l
twoway area mpg weight,sort  color(gs14) fin(100) ///
	|| line mpg weight ,sort lc(black) ///
	|| , legend(off)


On Jan 10, 2008 3:37 PM, Nick Winter (UVa) <[email protected]> wrote:

As part of a more complex graph I'm trying to construct, I want to
create a -twoway area- plot that lacks the outline along the baseline.
THat is, I want the outline along the "peaks" of the area, as well as
along the vertical drops down to the baseline at the minimum and maximum
of the data, but I do not want the outline along the baseline itself.

The two approaches that occur to me are:

(1) overwrite the baseline with an appropriate -twoway line-, with the
line color set to the fill color of the area plot.  THe problem here is
that when the area plot gets very close to the baseline, the outline of
the peaks can get overwritten as well if it is close enough to baseline
at some point along the area.

(2) create the area plot with no outline (that is, with the outline the
same color as the fill), then create the outline with -twoway line-.
This does not create the vertical drops to the baseline at the min and
max of the data without adding fake observations.

I could do (1) and then (2), using (2) to re-create the line wherever it
might be overwritten in step (1), but that seems inelegant at best...

Any other ideas?

--Nick Winter
*   For searches and help try:
Nicholas Winter                                 434.924.6994 t
Assistant Professor                             434.924.3359 f
Department of Politics                  [email protected] e
University of Virginia w
PO Box 400787, 100 Cabell Hall
Charlottesville, VA 22904

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