In addition to the StataCorp courses, the online sessions at the UCLA Stata
Portal are very useful to your colleagues who are just beginning. I wish
they could update them for Stata 10, but the are wonderful as they are. A
person going through their sessions on logistic regression and its
extensions will want to uninstall SPSS from their computer.
Alan Acock
On 1/10/08 8:25 AM, "Pi, Ron" <[email protected]> wrote:Pi, Ron
> Hello,
> I'm interested in finding someone who would be able to provide basic
> training on Stata, onsite in San Francisco for a couple days. I've been
> a Stata user myself for many years but we have six other researchers who
> have been using SPSS but now are interested in learning Stata. I've
> recommended the Stata Netcourses before but for various reasons a more
> hands-on approach is preferred.
> If you're available, please contact me by phone or e-mail (in private)
> to discuss the details.
> Thanks,
> Ron
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> Ron Pi
> Supervising Research Analyst
> Office of Court Research, Executive Office Programs
> Judicial Council of California - Administrative Office of the Courts
> 455 Golden Gate Avenue
> San Francisco, CA 94102-3660
> 415-865-7652, Fax 415-865-4330, [email protected]
> "Serving the courts for the benefit of all Californians"
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
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