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st: Typo in the .dta description

From   "Sergiy Radyakin" <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Typo in the .dta description
Date   Wed, 9 Jan 2008 11:27:17 -0500

Hello All,

there is a typo in the description of the internal structure of the .dta files.
I am referring to the specifications .dta-113 and .dta-114, which both
have identical typo:

for system-missing: 0x65 instead of 0x66
for .a-missing: 0x66 instead of 0x67
and so on.

The decimal notation is correct.

I am also experiencing difficulties with the coding of missing values
for double-precision floating point variables. Can anybody in Stata,
Corp confirm that the codes reported in the file-specifications for
doubles are correct? Or are they swapped between the LoHi and HiLo
formats? (I am referring to the table following the sentence "In any
case, the relevant numbers are").

It would be also helpful if the numerical values for the missings were
also reported for floating point types, similarly to the other types
in the previous table.

Another question is regarding the weighting scheme saved in the
.dta-files. Although weighting is not a part of the file-format
specification and the scheme is saved by an .ado file for svy commands
in the dataset characteristics, it would be nice to have a
description, of which exactly dataset characteristics must be set by
an external program, so that Stata recognizes the weighting

Thank you,

    Sergiy Radyakin
    Consultant, DECRG, The World Bank
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