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Re: st: ROC curves with polytomous outcome
I'm sure this is not well-known, but he's a known-to-me colleague:
Xiong C, van Belle G, Miller JP, Yan Y, Gao F, Yu K, Morris JC.
A parametric comparison of diagnostic accuracy with three ordinal
diagnostic groups. Biom J. 2007 Aug;49(5):682-93.
On Tue, 8 Jan 2008, kayhop666 wrote:
Is there a well known reference for plotting ROC
curves with ordinal and/or multinomial outcomes? I'm
ultimately interested in identifying the optimal
operating points for polytomous outcomes. Thanks very
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Laura E. Gibbons, PhD
General Internal Medicine, University of Washington
Box 359780
Harborview Medical Center
325 Ninth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104
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