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FW: st: weird error in -nlcom- (response frm Bobby Gutierrez)

From   "Feiveson, Alan H. (JSC-SK311)" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   FW: st: weird error in -nlcom- (response frm Bobby Gutierrez)
Date   Tue, 8 Jan 2008 11:16:21 -0600

This reminds me to share the nice response that Bobby Gutierrez provided
with respect to my -nlcom question from yesterday. As Bobby suspected,
the problem had to do with iterating to find optimal step sizes to
calculate numerical derivatives. Bobby provided me with modified
versions of -nlcom and -testnl that alllowed for user-specifed number of
digits of "accuracy" (see below) and when I used them with ",digits(6)"
as an option, the problem went away.

Since I can't post attachments, I am not including these modified ados,
but I suspect Bobby would be happy to provide them to anyone who asked.
It appears that eventually, these will be official updates (see below).

Al Feiveson

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Roberto G.
Gutierrez, StataCorp
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 3:51 PM
To: Feiveson, Alan H. (JSC-SK311)
Subject: RE: st: weird error in -nlcom-

Dear Al, 

In a previous email, I send you nlcom2.ado and testnl2.ado which are
tweaked versions of the -nlcom- and -testnl- commands, noting that
-nlcom- is merely a front end for -testnl-.

These new programs have an added option -digits()- that can be used to
tweak the convergence criterion for optimal stepsize.  By default and as
hardcoded in standard -nlcom-, digits is equal to 5 which translates
VERY roughly into wanting 5 significant digits for your numerical
derivative.  When you have trouble converging you can change this to 4
or 6 to get convergence, with little impact on the statistical validity
of what you get.  I would not advise going much beyond 4-6, however.


. nlcom2 exp([lnK]_cons)*(normal( (2038-[t0]_cons)/exp([lnsig]_cons)) -
         normal( (1678-[t0]_cons)/exp([lnsig]_cons)))/5

won't work (same as regular -nlcom-), while

. nlcom2 exp([lnK]_cons)*(normal( (2038-[t0]_cons)/exp([lnsig]_cons)) -
         normal( (1678-[t0]_cons)/exp([lnsig]_cons)))/5, digits(6)

works just fine.  Imagine that:)

I am thinking seriously about making this tweak a permanent feature, but
need to do a little homework beforehand.

> 1. Can I assume that the results are "valid" if -nlcom- "runs"?


> 2. Is there a way to change the number of step-size search iterations 
> in -nlcom-?

Yes, option -iterate()- is part of standard -nlcom-; see help -nlcom-.
However, all the iterations in the world wouldn't have solved your
problem -- you were osciallating between several candidate step sizes
with no hope of convergence.  This just happens sometimes, not often

> 3. How come -nlcom- accepts "norm" in Version 10?

-nlcom- runs under version 8, hence it accepts -norm()- just fine.  It
would probably be best if -nlcom- reverted to the current version when
calculating the expression, but in this case there is little harm done
by allowing a deprecated feature to keep working.  If we were to change
the definition of
-norm()- in future versions of Stata I could see a danger, however.
I'll look into this closer as well.



 Roberto G. Gutierrez, Ph.D.          VOICE: 1-979-696-4600
 Director of Statistics               TOLL : 1-800-STATAPC
 4905 Lakeway Drive                   FAX  : 1-979-696-4601
 College Station, TX 77845            EMAIL: [email protected]

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