Regarding -adoupdate- and its handling of programs from the Stata Journal,
Richard Williams <> writes,
> With SJ, the problem is that the original package never gets
> updated, e.g. st0067 is always the same st0067. So, when authors
> send in a new version, it becomes st0067_1, then st0067_2, etc.
> [...]
> (b) adoupdate should be modified to give special treatment to SJ
> packages. So, if st0067 is installed, it could check to see if
> there is an st0067_1 or st0067_2 or whatever.
Actually, that is exactly how -adoupdate- works. It understands how software
updates are named for the Stata Journal and looks for the most up-to-date
version available from the Journal website.
-- Vince
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