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st: weird error in -nlcom-

From   "Feiveson, Alan H. (JSC-SK311)" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: weird error in -nlcom-
Date   Mon, 7 Jan 2008 11:09:47 -0600

Hi - In Stata 10 (Windows), after runnning a -ml- program (of my own), I
tried to use -nlcom- .

Depending on what values I give it (see below) it either works, or gives
a peculiar error messgae " maximum number of iterations exceeded".

First of all, -nlcom- is supposed to use the delta method, which doesn't
involve iterating anything - so what's going on?

Even more mystifying is that if I slightly change the inputs, it works
or doesn't work (see below)

. run flare_norm t1 t2 868 366 1900 2100
Initial Values: t0 = 2100,  sig = 868     K = 366 

                                                  Number of obs   =
                                                  Wald chi2(0)    =
Log likelihood = -1151.2251                       Prob > chi2     =

             |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf.
lnK          |
       _cons |     5.9161   .0525831   112.51   0.000     5.813039
lnsig        |
       _cons |   6.703776   .0463619   144.60   0.000     6.612908
t0           |
       _cons |   1857.695   45.25929    41.05   0.000     1768.988

which is fine. Now I try some -nlcom- statements (see below)

. nlcom exp([lnK]_cons)*(norm( (2039-[t0]_cons)/exp([lnsig]_cons)) -
norm( (1679-[t0]_cons)/exp([lnsig]
> _cons)))/5

       _nl_1:  exp([lnK]_cons)*(norm(
(2039-[t0]_cons)/exp([lnsig]_cons)) - norm( (1679-[t0]_cons)/exp(
> [lnsig]_cons)))/5

             |      Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf.
       _nl_1 |   12.96116   .8592571    15.08   0.000     11.27704

This one works. Now if I change "2039" to "2038" and "1679" to "1678",
it crashes:

. nlcom exp([lnK]_cons)*(norm( (2038-[t0]_cons)/exp([lnsig]_cons)) -
norm( (1678-[t0]_cons)/exp([lnsig]
> _cons)))/5

       _nl_1:  exp([lnK]_cons)*(norm(
(2038-[t0]_cons)/exp([lnsig]_cons)) - norm( (1678-[t0]_cons)/exp(
> [lnsig]_cons)))/5
Maximum number of iterations exceeded.

Any ideas what's happening? By the way, the same sort of thing was
occuring in Stata 9.

Al Feiveson

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